Books · Tags

Mid Year Freak-Out Tag 2024

It’s June – almost halfway through the year. We all know what this is about, so let’s just jump straight into the questions!

Fiction: Us Against You by Fredrik Backman – the first book in the Beartown trilogy remains a favourite and this one was just as good. I just love the way Backman writes.

Non-Fiction: Dark Emu by Bruce Pascoe – this was a fantastic exploration of the way the aboriginal people of Australia used the land before the colonists arrived. Their ingenuity and culture was really interesting to read about. Beautifully written as well.

I haven’t read as many sequels as I wanted to, but I really enjoyed The Elfstones of Shannara by Terry Brooks just recently. It was a re-read, but such a joy to read again!

Lots! I have a small stack of 2024 releases in special edition hardbacks, from both Waterstones and the Broken Binding. Alien Clay by Adrian Tchaikovsky is one, but also Dragon Rider by Taran Matharu.

I have two that I can’t choose between. The first one is There Are Rivers in the Sky by Elif Shafak. The other is The Map of Bones by Kate Mosse. I have both of those on pre-order and I can’t wait to read them, though I have two books to read before I get to The Map of Bones in that particular series!

Although there are books I rated lower I really thought I would enjoy Book Lovers by Emily Henry way more than I did. It just did not work for me and I think I have given up on everyone’s favourite romance writer. The other big miss was another romance: Love, Theoretically by Ali Hazelwood. I really did not enjoy the characters in that one at all.

What Kingdom by Fine Gråbøl was probably my biggest surprise. I went in not quite knowing what to expect, but it was quite impactful, especially for a shorter work. Also, Faebound by Saara El-Arifi. I went in with low expectations, because of the iffy reviews, but ended up really quite enjoying it and giving it 4 stars.

The first people that came to mind that I definitely want to read more of are Nghi Vo (fiction) and James Rebanks (non-fiction). I read them both for the first time and I really enjoyed both their writing and will look out for more books.

As always, I don’t really do crushes, so I have combined these. As a character though I thought Gabriel de León from Empire of the Vampire was really interesting. Another character I enjoyed is Minou Joubert from The Burning Chambers.

Duh! Us Against You by Fredrik Backman. I can rely on him to make be sob. Every… freaking… time.

The Shannara books. Pure nostalgia!

Maybe The Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden? I have the Waterstones edition with the spredges and it’s stunning! What can I see, I love a sprayed edge. I am shallow like that.

Sooooo many! I am behind on my 24 for 2024 and I want to read all the new releases I have bought as well. Also, I am interested in books about Australia at the moment and I have a small stack I want to prioritize.

I want to feel like I am reading what I want to read. You know, all those books that have been waiting on my shelves for years that I want to read, but not so urgently, are fine on my shelves until I am suddenly in the mood for them. I think I finally realised that that’s ok. I have noticed that I will suddenly pick a random older book of my shelf at the moment when I feel I need THAT book, so they will get read eventually. For now, I want to read the books I am most excited for. I have made a priority list of about 25 books that I want to read the most, but really it’s whatever takes my fancy. I am enjoying reading at the moment, even if I am not reading a ton. It suits me just fine.


That’s it! What were your favourites so far? And which books do you definitely want to read in the second half of 2024?

3 thoughts on “Mid Year Freak-Out Tag 2024

  1. I need to make my post soon. Time is just flying by! I am so glad to see a Backman on here! I loved Empire of the Vampire too, such great characters.

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