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(audio) Book Thoughts: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (translated by Simon Armitage)

Surprisingly easy on the ear for modern audiences

★★★★☆ – CALSPIE: 8.50

Title: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Author: Simon Armitage (translator from Middle English)
Genre: Fiction / Poetry /Medieval Poetry
First Published: c1400
Edition: Audio and paperback, published by Faber & Faber in 2009


This was a very nice listen. It’s a very old narrative poem by an unknown author. It was translated by Simon Armitage from Middle English and it flowed quite nicely.

It was very easy to understand and follow along with. Far less dense than Beowulf for example. Listening to this was a great decision, as it was the way that most people heard these kind of stories back when it was written.

It’s a story of morals, I guess, but it was entertaining and enjoyable and definitely still worked for my modern ears. I am glad I finally got to this one.

4.25 out of 5 stars

One thought on “(audio) Book Thoughts: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (translated by Simon Armitage)

  1. I agree that listening to this is an excellent way to experience it, however I’ve never thought of doing so myself! Must redress that. Thank you.

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