Books · WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesday: 12 June 2024

Where’s spring gone? She’s been fleeting this year, playing hide and seek. The news said that the past 12 months have been the wettest ever on record. Crazy! It does feel like it hasn’t stopped raining. The ground has been saturated for months. Luckily I live in an area that is used to dealing with water (The west of the Netherlands), but the news has been flood after flood. Weather even after weather event. Mental.

Anyway, I’m supposed to be talking about books. I haven’t done a WWW for a while so it’s about time!

WWW Wednesdays’ home is at Sam’s blog Taking On A World of Words. Check it out!

The three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you will read next?


I am reading The Elfstones of Shannara by Terry Brooks, which is part of my Shannara re-read. The whole re-read is slower going than I meant it to be, but nevermind. I’m enjoying it. I am hoping to get a good chunk read today!

I am listening to Lady Chatterley’s Lover by D H Lawrence. It’s an interesting book to listen to. I don’t think the narration (by Holliday Grainger) is not quite working for me, but it’s not taking away from the story too much. In places I am amazed at how good a writer D H Lawrence is. Truly heartfelt and beautiful sometimes and his observations and descriptions of emotions are so on point.

I finished two things in the last week. The first was a short story by Terry Brooks called The Black Irix, which was meant to be read after The Sword of Shannara, which I have done now. It was actually quite a good short story. Whether it truly added anything I am not sure, but I liked it nonetheless. It was a 4* story for me.

I also read Sparrow by James Hynes, a book about a boy growing up in Spain at the end of the Roman era. It’s mostly about his life as a wolf, a prostitute. It was very detailed and and in places it was gorgeously written, but it was a tad on the long side. That one ended up being 4* as well, but I hope there will be a sequel.

I have What They Said About Luisa by Erika Rummel on the backburner. It’s another historical fiction novel. I will get back to that one soon.

My next audio book will likely be Platypus Matters by Jack Ashby, as I am doing a lot of research on Australia at the moment for a project I am working on. That particular book is about Australian mammals.


What are you reading?

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