Books · WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesdays: 24 March 2021

Can’t believe we are already this far into March and Covid restrictions have been in place for over a year. How are things going in your country? Have you been vaccinated yet? Fingers crossed we will all be vaccinated by summer and life can return to some sort of normality.


WWW Wednesdays’ home is at Sam’s blog Taking On A World of Words. Check it out!

The three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you will read next?


What am I currently reading?

I had a bit of a book hangover after The Secret History – I felt satisfied, but exhausted! So I picked up an easier read, which is Wilder Girls by Rory Power. I am only 70 pages in (and that took me three days 😂), but it feels like it would normally be a quick read. Hopefully my reading will pick up soon. I plan to put a bit of time aside today, as today I don’t have much on.

I have finally continued The Flowers of Evil by Charles Baudelaire. I am really enjoying this poetry. It’s so full of longing, a strange mix of romance and nihilism. I am not that far in yet, so I am curious to see what the rest of the poems will be like. I like this edition as it has the original French poem on one side and the English one on the other. My French is very bad, but I can sort of check whether the cadence of the original returns in the English translation and it seems that it does, which I am very pleased with.

Finally, I have started a new audio book. I chose Ayoade on Top by Richard Ayoade. I had heard such good things and it was in the Audible sale, so I figured now was the time. I am a third of the way through (it’s only short) and it is such a fun listen. It really is light relief in the best possible way.

What have I recently finished reading?

In the past week I have finished The Secret History by Donna Tartt, which was dense, but very good. It took me quite a long time to read, but it was so worth my time. 6/7 stars.

I also finished my audio book which was Thinking on my Feet by Kate Humble. It’s a book about walking throughout the course of one year, diary style. I found it a really relaxing read and I thoroughly enjoyed it. 6/7 stars.

What will I be reading next?

I have a few books that are high up on my TBR. I have the e-book of Where The Crawdads Sing by Celia Owens that I really want to get to ASAP, and I also want to continue the Cairo Trilogy by Naguib Mahfouz with Palace of Desire. I think those are the most likely candidates.

10 thoughts on “WWW Wednesdays: 24 March 2021

  1. I found I couldn’t get into Wilder Girls, so I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it when the time comes. I thought it would be a quick(ish) read for me, but it took me nearly two weeks and I found it a struggle to stick with. I love the sound of the Richard Ayoade’s book, he’s so funny and never fails to make me laugh!

  2. I think you’ll enjoy Crawdads – especially if you ignore the hype and read it for what it is. I recently finished a Persephone book, “Milton Place”, which I’ve reviewed today, and am nearly done with Mike Parker’s excellent “On the Red Hill” about two gay couples in a Welsh village. I’m reading the actor Rebecca Front’s memoirs/essays (readable but a bit patchy) and am going on to Guvnor B’s memoir about growing up as a Black man on a London estate, which was published this month and came to me via NetGalley.

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