Books · WWW Wednesday

WWW Wednesdays: 12 May 2021

My reading week has been nothing if not patchy! Every day I mean to finish my book and every day I don’t! Oh dear. Fingers crossed I will be a bit better in doing so in the next few days. However for now:


WWW Wednesdays’ home is at Sam’s blog Taking On A World of Words. Check it out! (It’s her birthday today, so wish her a happy birthday!)

The three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you will read next?


What am I currently reading?

I am reading Then She Ran by Charlie Gallagher on my Kindle. It’s a book that has been sitting on said Kindle for two or three years and I felt kind of in the mood for something thrillery/crimey. I am over halfway and when I actually sit down to read it, it’s very easy to read, but for some reason I don’t feel the urge to. I am not entirely sure whether it is the book or my mood.

I am also still reading In The Presence of Absence by Mahmoud Darwish, which I am still loving. I am not in a rush with that one. It’s one to savour and I’d rather read two pages a day properly than rush through it. My mind has been too scattered these last few days to do it justice, so I will let it sit until my brain has the capacity to take it all in.

Finally, I have started listening to M Train by Patti Smith on audio. I have that book on my shelves, but I really enjoyed listening to Patti Smith’s Just Kids a while back and I love listening to her talk. She writes very eloquently and it’s just a joy. This one is less coherent than Just Kids. There’s a lot of musing and descriptions of mundane things, but I kind of like that. So far, so good.

What have I recently finished reading?

I finished a Middle Grade book, which was DarkIsle by D A Nelson. It was fine. It had some interesting bits, but I was not the target audience and I did not love it. However, my daughter might like it, so I have put it in her bookcase to see whether she will pick it up and if she does, what she will think of it. However, she is re-reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (again), so it may be a while.

I then read Down Among The Sticks and Bones by Seanan McGuire. This is the second book in the Wayward Children series and I definitely enjoyed more than the first book. I may read the third book soon.

Finally, I finished an audio book, which was By The Pricking of my Thumbs by Agatha Christie. That one was so much fun to listen to and it was the right choice for my mood at the time for sure.

What will I be reading next?

I have a few books I definitely want to get to soon. There is Lady Sings The Blues, which is Billie Holiday’s autobiography, which I will be reading for my book club shortly. I am looking forward to that one.

Also, I got a request for a review for a book called A Lullaby in the Desert by Mojgan Azar. The author approached me and on reading the synopsis of the book I immediately decided to buy the book for myself rather than accept a free copy. It sounds like an important read, which the author told me deals with ‘women’s rights, fighting for freedom from oppression, social conflict, and the dangers pushing so many to flee their homelands to become refugees’. However, this is a heavy subject and I want to be in the right frame of mind to read this.

I also bought myself a Talia Hibbert Romance novel on my Kindle for 99p, which I may read if I feel like I need something light.

2 thoughts on “WWW Wednesdays: 12 May 2021

  1. How kind of you to buy that book rather than accepting a free copy. I’ve been doing that with a couple of small publishers recently. I have been finishing book after book, trying to keep up with reviewing them … and then getting horribly behind with my blog reading! You can’t win!

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