Random Chatter

5 Random Thoughts at the end of May

Since I don’t have a lot of bookish stuff to talk about at the moment… I thought I would do something completely random today. These are random opinions and thoughts I have had lately. They are not serious, just random bits of info and/or thoughts.

1. Just because I have lived in Britain, does not mean I am THAT interested in the Royal Wedding.

Related imageI went to see my grandma today and she had cut out an article for me on the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan whatever-her-name-is. Although I am like the Queen and the idea of the Royal family as a whole, in Britain as well as The Netherlands, I am not that fussed about Harry’s wedding. Soz!

2. Back to bootcut!

Image result for levis 715I wore my last pair of bootcut jeans the other week, for the first time in ages. I forgot how flattering a cut it is. It’s been skinny jeans for the last few years and I am a bit fed up with them. I am a medium girl that has a bum and thighs, and I have been happily wearing those skinny jeans, but man, I’m going back to the early 2000s and bootcut! So I went in search of a good pair of bootcut jeans. Not easy as they are not in fashion at the moment! (Give it a few years!) Finally got myself a pair of Levi’s 715s and I am in love!  Some wedged sandals and a cool top and they look amazing! They are just a tad expensive, so one pair will do. BRING BACK BOOTCUT!

3. Most children’s toys are rubbish!

Image result for doh vinciIt’s true. My 6yo daughter had her birthday party for her school friends the other day and she got loads of presents. Most look good, but when she actually starts trying them out, they are sooooo rubbish. An example: There’s this new thing called Doh Vinci (I know!), with which you put some clay in some sort of gun and you are supposed to make patterns with it. It looks lovely in the adverts and on the package, but I can’t make it look neat, let alone my 6-year-old. She just gets frustrated. And the same goes for a lot of things to be honest. The quality of today’s toys is pretty abysmal.

4. I sometimes hate that books and music influence my mood so spectacularly. 

Image result for sad emojiI seem to be very sensitive moodwise to outside influences. Not only other people’s attitudes can affect the way I feel in general, but also books and music. This can be positive, but also negative. The atmosphere of a book or music album can really creep into me and make me very sunny and happy or very grumpy and snappy.  It can cause minor things like reading slumps, but it can also make me snap at family members without reason, which is not so good. This was something I realised recently as I have been listening to particular new album, which I actually really like, but it’s a break-up album and somehow it makes me feel like I just want to be left alone. I have had the same thing with books before. Am I the only one who has this issue?

5. It’s actually okay to be less active on my blog for a couple of weeks.

I still find myself feeling guilty that I have not been posting so often. It’s that low mood that I have been talking about! I just feel less energized, I am reading less and I just do not have that much to chat about at the moment. And you know what, that is fine. I will be back to normal soon (that’s how these things go), so taking it easy for a couple of weeks is not a problem. Now you know, that is what I am doing 🙂

Image result for free source cartoon images lazy

Any particular things that have been on your mind lately?

5 thoughts on “5 Random Thoughts at the end of May

  1. I too am happy to go back to boot cut jeans 😄😄
    And oh yes… many kids’ toys are craptastic. I’ve got quite the collection that my boys can’t really use yet look great in the promos.

  2. I’m enjoying boot cut too, but they are no where to be found!!
    I can’t say the books/music influence me as much as they do for you, so I can’t empathize! But I can sympathize because that would be frustrating!

    1. I know! I had to work hard to find bootcut jeans and I would not normally spend this much on a pair of Levi’s, but sometimes a girl’s got to do what she’s got to do 😉 I forgot how much more flattering this cut is!

      I have always had very emotional responses to music especially. It can be good, but sometimes not so much… 😉

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